I’m searching for the world that I come from…

Mrunmayee Pande
3 min readApr 12, 2022

I remember, when I was a child (and by a child I mean 4- 5 years, okay!!), I used to think where do these railway tracks end, where does the sky end, where does the last road present on this earth end, what if earth never existed, HUM KAHA HOTE? Ever tried to imagine the essence childhood has, once puberty hits you and you try to endure to be an adult (well, basically YOUNG ADULTS)

You know there was a time when unexpectedly someone brought eclairs (double chocolate) was rejoicing, and now even dinners in 5-star restaurants cannot make people smile.

A couple of days ago, a 4-year lilliput with cute little dimples on her cheeks was opening Snapchat and looking for the aesthetic filters. It was like a bolt-out-of-the-blue moment.

I guess we have lost the way of embracing reality, and TODDLERS HAVE LOST THE ESSENCE OF CHILDHOOD. These small lads think that whatever they see on such platforms is what true happiness is, what Joy is, and that they find themselves happy.

Elucidating, we have the wisdom to judge what is right and wrong, we can differentiate between virtual reality and the reality that we see every other day.

Children at the age of playing with Hotwheels and making mud castles are building the whole city and becoming Mayor.

They believe that they can find the entire world within their hands, but is it the world we want them to see. The world without any brightness to offer, without any hope to give, without any wisdom to inculcate, and without any truths.

They tend to believe in something, as a source of happiness that is virtual.

The wide exposure to social media the toddlers are getting is the seedling of anxiousness and solicitude inside a child’s mind.

Today children need to explore the calmness and serenity nature has with it to offer. It’s been a while since I have seen children playing in the parks in the evening with all those games like ice-water, wall touch, out-out, etc.

And they don’t even know the taste of that 2 Rs wali Pepsi, orange goli, and many more…

I wish we can bring the time back when childhood was childhood and not some period where all the children are having an android in one hand and a cold drink in another. The time where we embraced the falling off of a kid while riding the bicycle and the paper boats trying to make their way to the other side of shore (i.e., the other side of the road) and not them playing gully cricket on PS-5.

I can quite understand that it's not possible to completely devoid them of the growing techno-savvy world, but at the least, we can introduce them to what being a child is all about.

Being a child is about being in heaven, not caring about when you are going to start to act like grown-ups. Being a kid is about being creative about every single thing around. It's about being free and not afraid of being judged.


